black and red canister vacuum cleaner on floor

How to Vacuum Properly in 2023 (Without the Headache)

Vacuuming is a crucial component of home care and may significantly improve your home’s cleanliness and beauty. The air quality in your home can be improved by removing allergens and other particles that can cause allergies and respiratory problems. It also cleans your floors of dirt and trash. But vacuuming is more than merely sweeping your floors with a vacuum and calling it a day. To ensure that you are getting the most out of your vacuuming efforts, there are a few crucial tactics and factors to take into account.

Let’s get into it.

a person vacuuming under a side cabinet
Photo by Liliana Drew on

Select the Appropriate Vacuum for the Task

The first and most crucial step in vacuuming effectively is selecting the appropriate vacuum for your needs. There are numerous varieties of vacuums available, each with unique advantages and disadvantages.

Because they are portable and frequently offer powerful suction, upright vacuums are a popular option for many homeowners. They work well in homes with a lot of carpeting but might not work as well on hardwood or tile floors. A beater bar, a brushroll that helps agitate the carpet and dislodge dirt and debris, is also included with some upright vacuums. However, beater bars might not be appropriate for all households as they can be harsh on delicate rugs or area carpets.

Another choice is a canister vacuum, which is typically more portable and lightweight than an upright vacuum. As they frequently include attachments for cleaning different surfaces, they are a suitable option for houses with a mix of carpets and hard floors. A powerhead, which is a motorized brushroll that is included with some canister vacuums, is useful for cleaning carpets. Powerheads, however, can be loud and might not be appropriate for all types of homes.

Stick vacuums, a relatively recent entry into the vacuum industry, are renowned for their portability and simplicity of usage. Although they might not have the suction force of larger vacuums, they are a suitable option for smaller households or for spot cleaning. Stick vacuums are frequently cordless and operate on batteries; while this is convenient, it also means they might not last as long as corded vacuums.

Specialty vacuums are also available for certain uses, such as hands-free robotic vacuums, portable vacuums for confined spaces, and wet/dry vacuums for spills and other messes.

Begin with the Proper Frame of Mind

It’s crucial to have the proper attitude before beginning to vacuum. Although vacuuming is a necessary activity that may keep your home clean and healthy, it can be a chore.

To make vacuuming more fun, schedule a specific period of time for it. This could take place in a shorter session every day or a longer one once a week. Vacuuming at a fixed time can allow you to concentrate and avoid feeling rushed.

Establishing a technique for accomplishing the work is another way to make vacuuming more fun. You may, for instance, begin in one corner of the room and make your way around the room counterclockwise, or you could begin in the corner of the room that is the furthest away and work your way back. A system can make the procedure seem more orderly and effective.

Gather Your Resources

Make sure you have all the necessary supplies before you begin vacuuming. This could consist of extra vacuum bags or filters, surface-specific attachments, a dustpan, and a broom for removing heavier dirt. Keep these materials in a designated location, like a closet or utility room, so that they are simple to find when needed.

Prepare the Area

Spend some time pre-cleaning the area before you begin vacuuming. This entails gathering and storing any larger debris, such as toys, shoes, or junk. By doing this, you may increase the effectiveness of your vacuuming and prevent it from being used to just move debris.

Work Your Way Down, Starting at the Tallest Point

Starting at the highest point in the room and working your way down is a smart strategy while vacuuming. This calls for first vacuuming blinds, curtains, and other high surfaces. Any dust and dirt that becomes loose will be able to fall to the floor and be readily cleaned up as a result.

Vacuum in Groups

Divide the space into smaller sections to vacuum rather than attempting to do so all at once. By doing so, you’ll be able to concentrate on one region at a time and make sure you don’t miss any spots. Starting at the farthest end of the room and working your way to the door is a smart option because it will assist you avoid having to step on places that you have already vacuumed.

Utilize the Appropriate Attachments.

The majority of vacuums come with several attachments for cleaning various surfaces and locations. To get the greatest results, make sure to utilize the right attachment for the task. Use the dusting brush on delicate surfaces like lampshades and blinds, and the crevice tool to reach into tight spaces and around baseboards.

Regularly Empty the Vacuum.

To keep your vacuum operating at its peak, it’s crucial to empty it frequently. Your vacuum’s suction power can be decreased and it will be less efficient at collecting dirt and debris if it has full vacuum bags or a blocked filter. After each usage, it’s a good idea to check the bag or filter and empty or replace it as necessary.

Keep in Mind the Edges.

Pay close attention to your rooms’ boundaries because this is where a lot of dirt and trash can amass. If your vacuum has an edge cleaning option, use it. If not, use the crevice tool to reach into corners and along baseboards.

Include Vacuuming in Your Daily Routine.

Make vacuuming a continuous part of your routine to maintain a clean home. Depending on your demands and the size of your home, this can happen once a week or a few times a week. Regular vacuuming will keep your floors looking their best and will also assist to purify the air in your house.

Although vacuuming might seem like a monotonous chore, it is crucial to keeping a clean and healthy home. You may increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your vacuuming efforts by utilizing the correct vacuum for the job and the suggestions above. Additionally, vacuuming can contribute to a neat and orderly living environment, which can enhance your general quality of life. Along with cleaning or changing the filter, emptying the dustbin (if necessary), and keeping the brushroll and other moving parts clear of debris, it’s a good idea to routinely maintain your vacuum. By doing this, you can make sure that your vacuum is operating at its peak efficiency and will endure for many years.

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